SRI LANKA when it was still called CEYLON (1726)

SRI LANKA when it was still called CEYLON (1726)

SRI LANKA when it was still called CEYLON (1726)

This Dutch map of Sri Lanka titled 'Nieuwe Kaart van het Eyland Ceylon' shows old Dutch fort town/harbour of Galle on the right and the islands Amsterdam, Leiden and Delft at the bottom left. The island Delft kept its name until today. A beautiful and detailed map.

The Portugese settled on the island in 1505, followed by the Dutch who build a number of canals from the inland (mainly from Candy) to the coast to transport the many herbs and other wares. There was also a business in catching and training elephants and export them to mainland India. In 1796 the British took over from the Dutch. There is still a large community of descendants of the Dutch, named Burghers. Ceylon became independent in 1948 but was renamed Sri Lanka in 1972.

This map originates from 'Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën' by F. Valentijn and is for sale in Bartele Gallery.

Overall size: 57.5 x 48 cm. Image size: 54.5 x 44 cm.

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