
Antique Print of the Palace of Justice in Leeuwarden by Terwen (1858)

  • Condition: Very good, general age-related toning. Passe-partout/matting included. Please study image carefully.
  • Date: 1858
  • Overall size: 30 x 26.3 cm.

€ 84,50($ 99.45 / £ 77.16)

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Description: Antique print titled 'Leeuwarden. Het Paleis van Justitie.' Old print of the city of Leeuwarden showing the Palace of Justice. This print originates from 'Het koningrijk der Nederlanden voorgesteld in eene reeks van 136 naar de natuur geteekende schilderachtige gezigten' authored by J. L. Terwen and published by G.B. van Goor in Gouda, 1858.

Artists and Engravers: Johannes Leonardus Terwen (1813-1873). Terwen enjoyed a good education to become a teacher. On July 14, 1840 he became the principal of the 'Bijzondere School' in Gouda. Later he was a teacher at the latin school in Gouda, but he seemed to experience a larger calling to become an author. This plate by J. M. Kolb after L. Rohbock.