
Antique Print of the Dauphin of France (1805)

  • Technic: Hand-colored copper engraving.
  • Condition: Good. Slightly stained, stamp on verso. Please study image carefully.
  • Date: 1805
  • Overall size: 20 x 25 cm.
  • Image size: 12 x 15 cm.

€ 320,–($ 376.61 / £ 292.19)

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.. Pl. 15 Le Dauphin de France (..) - Anonymous (1805)

Description: Antique costume print titled 'Le Dauphin de France Fils de Louis XIV. 1672.'. This print depicts the Dauphin of France, Son of Louis XIV. Originates from a rare costume book titled 'Sammlung von Trachten bey verschiedenen ältern und neuern Völkern (..)'. 

Artists and Engravers: Published in Leipzig.