
Antique Map of Austria by De Wit (c.1690)

  • Condition: Good. Contemporary hand coloring. General age-related toning, sall hole in cartouche and a nearly invisible tear along the border of Ducatus Carinthiae. Please study image carefully.
  • Date: 1690
  • Overall size: 61 x 43 cm.
  • Image size: 58.5 x 49.5 cm.

€ 1.350,–($ 1,588.81 / £ 1,232.67)

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Description: Antique map of Austria titled 'Circuli Austriaci pars septentrionalis in quia archiducatus Austriae et Ducatus Stiriae accuratissime divisi ostenduntur per F. de Wit'. Detailed map of Austria, centered on the course of the Danube from Passau to Vienna.

Artists and Engravers: Frederick de Wit [1629-1706 was known as a map publisher, engraver and seller. He worked in Amsterdam from the Kalverstraat (‘bij den Dam inde dry Crabben) to 1654 and then from ‘in de Witte paskaert from 1655 to 1706. He produced a prodigious amount of cartographic material including separate terrestrial maps and sea charts, sea and terrestrial atlases, wall maps, and town views. Many of his maps were superbly colored by master Dutch colourists of his day such as Dirck van Santen. De Wit also acquired numerous copperplates from those auctioned by the Blaeu and Janssonius publishing houses sometime after 1674 and republished these works, often with his imprint added. On his death in 1706, The business was continued for a time by his widow Maria untill 1709. In 1710, the De Wit plates were sold to Mortier, Van der Aa, and Renard.